The Teams address
The Teams city
The Teams country
The Teams Google Maps Place ID
The Teams Google Maps URL
The Teams home championship
The Team key
The Teams location name
The Teams motto
The Teams name
The Teams nickname
The Teams Zip Code
The Teams rookie year
The Teams school name
The Teams state/provence
The Team number
The Teams website
Gets an array of districts representing each year the team was in a district. Will return an empty array if the team was never in a district.
array of Districts
Gets a list of the event keys for all events this team has competed at.
array of event keys
Gets a list of the event keys for all events this team has competed at.
Competition Year (or Season). Must be 4 digits. Defaults to current year
array of event keys
Gets a key-value list of the event statuses for events this team has competed at in the given year.
Competition Year (or Season). Must be 4 digits. Defaults to current year
array of event keys
Gets a list of all events this team has competed at.
array of Events
Gets a list of all events this team has competed at in the given year. Defaults to current year
Competition Year (or Season). Must be 4 digits. Defaults to current year
array of Events
Gets a list of all short form events this team has competed at.
array of Simple Events
Gets a list of all short form events this team has competed at.
Competition Year (or Season). Must be 4 digits. Defaults to current year
array of Simple Events
Gets a list of year and robot name pairs for each year that a robot name was provided. Will return an empty array if the team has never named a robot.
array of Robots
Gets a list of years in which the team participated in at least one competition.
array of years participated
Represents a Team