  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class Location


  • Location





Private api


countryCode: string


id: number


isCountry: boolean

Optional localizedName

localizedName: string


name: string



  • fetchClanRankings(limit?: number, after?: string, before?: string): Promise<ClanRanking[]>
  • Get clan rankings for a specific location


    • Optional limit: number

      Limit the number of items returned in the response.

    • Optional after: string

      Return only items that occur after this marker. Before marker can be found from the response, inside the 'paging' property. Note that only after or before can be specified for a request, not both.

    • Optional before: string

      Return only items that occur before this marker. Before marker can be found from the response, inside the 'paging' property. Note that only after or before can be specified for a request, not both.

    Returns Promise<ClanRanking[]>


  • fetchClanVersusRankings(limit?: number, after?: string, before?: string): Promise<ClanVersusRanking[]>
  • Get clan versus rankings for a specific location


    • Optional limit: number

      Limit the number of items returned in the response.

    • Optional after: string

      Return only items that occur after this marker. Before marker can be found from the response, inside the 'paging' property. Note that only after or before can be specified for a request, not both.

    • Optional before: string

      Return only items that occur before this marker. Before marker can be found from the response, inside the 'paging' property. Note that only after or before can be specified for a request, not both.

    Returns Promise<ClanVersusRanking[]>


  • fetchPlayerRankings(limit?: number, after?: string, before?: string): Promise<PlayerRanking[]>
  • Get player rankings for a specific location


    • Optional limit: number

      Limit the number of items returned in the response.

    • Optional after: string

      Return only items that occur after this marker. Before marker can be found from the response, inside the 'paging' property. Note that only after or before can be specified for a request, not both.

    • Optional before: string

      Return only items that occur before this marker. Before marker can be found from the response, inside the 'paging' property. Note that only after or before can be specified for a request, not both.

    Returns Promise<PlayerRanking[]>


  • fetchPlayerVersusRankings(limit?: number, after?: string, before?: string): Promise<PlayerVersusRanking[]>
  • Get player versus rankings for a specific location


    • Optional limit: number

      Limit the number of items returned in the response.

    • Optional after: string

      Return only items that occur after this marker. Before marker can be found from the response, inside the 'paging' property. Note that only after or before can be specified for a request, not both.

    • Optional before: string

      Return only items that occur before this marker. Before marker can be found from the response, inside the 'paging' property. Note that only after or before can be specified for a request, not both.

    Returns Promise<PlayerVersusRanking[]>

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